Player Roster
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Team Id | First Name | Last Name | Do you have a grouping request? |
3 | Steve | Galloway | - |
4 | Darrell | Durst | Darrell Durst, Teddy Greene |
5 | Mark | Fowler | - |
6 | Tanya | Oliveira | Dayle Hodgson, Joyce LeCompte, Ginnie Castaneda |
7 | Steve | Spencer | Mark Via, Tom Elliott, Steve Spencer |
8 | Ryan | Inocencio | Chad Pangle, Ryan Inocencio |
11 | Mike | Schagrin | - |
12 | Dayle | Hodgson | Tanya Oliveira, Joyce LeCompte |
13 | Donald | Ganse | - |
16 | Billie | Batchelor | - |
18 | Tom | Elliott | Mark Via, Tom Elliott, Steve Spencer |
19 | Bob | Bolan | - |
20 | Chetan | Abhyankar | - |
22 | David | Longley | - |
22 | David | Simpson | - |
22 | Mark | Ward | - |
22 | Rob | Owens | - |
23 | Steven | Shnitzler | Steve Shnitzler, Chris Hill, Jon Walker, Brian Goggin |
24 | Terry | May | Bob ingram |
25 | Robert | Ingram | Ron Swartzwelder |
27 | Tim | Harrison | - |
30 | Maggie | DeBoard | - |
31 | Roger | Hiyama | - |
33 | Justin | Garrell | Mike Garrell, Justin Garrell, Ron Swartzwelder |
33 | Mike | Garrell | Mike Garrell, Justin Garrell, Ron Swartzwelder |
34 | Jason | Campbell | - |
35 | Dale | Shewmaker | - |
35 | Kim | Coons | - |
35 | Paul | Gural | - |
35 | Wayne | Leeder | - |
36 | Ram | Srinivasan | - |
38 | Ginnie | Castaneda | - |
39 | Nathan | Banks | - |
41 | Theodore | Bush | - |
42 | Cory | Pilinko | - |
43 | Randy | Leyshon | Terry Dean, Randy Leyshon |
47 | Helmut | Lehofer | - |
49 | Michael | Rudy | - |
50 | Joseph | Plauger | - |
51 | Connor | Hasson | Jason Canody, Joseph Hidalgo |
52 | Brian | Goggin | Steve Shnitzler, Chris Hill, Jon Walker, Brian Goggin |
53 | Pam | Buckley | Lynne Leith, Pam Buckley |
54 | Frank | Messina | - |
55 | LaValle | Ulmer | - |
56 | Barbara | Gilchrist | With Lavalle Ulmer |
57 | Judy | Perry | LaValle Ulmer, Barbara Gilchrist |
58 | John | Bissell | Francis (Butch) McGonegal |
62 | Francis | McGonegal | John Bissell |
63 | Matt | jordan | - |
64 | Dwayne | Cornelius | - |
65 | Jai | Agarwal | - |
66 | Clarence | Smith | - |
67 | Travis | King | - |
68 | Samuel | Martin | - |
69 | Joyce | LeCompte | Tanya Oliveria, Dayle Hodgson |
73 | Greg | Marshall | - |
76 | Alex | James | Jared Levy |
77 | Jared | Levy | Alex James |
79 | Andrew | Spitzer | - |
80 | Chad | Pangle | Chad Pangle, Ryan Inocencio |
81 | Mark | Via | Mark Via, Tom Elliott, Steve Spencer |
83 | Patrick | Jordan | - |
85 | Harry | Duvall | - |
86 | Ron | Swartzwelder | Mike Garrell, Justin Garrell, Ron Swartzwelder |
87 | John | Jurbala | Steve Galloway |
89 | Bart | Dover | No |
90 | Jason | Morris | Billie Batchelor |
91 | Daniel | Sherrange | - |
92 | Mike | Quinnelly | - |
94 | William | Vinson | - |
95 | Jason | Canody | Joe Hidalgo |
95 | Joseph | Hidalgo | Jason canody |
98 | Adam | Clark | - |
99 | Scott | Harper | - |
101 | Michael | Obaugh | - |
104 | Chris | Hill | Steve Shnitzler, Chris Hill, Jon Walker, Brian Goggin |
105 | Narin | Chuawongse | - |
106 | Randy | Harshbarger | - |
107 | Terry | Dean | Terry Dean, Randy Leyshon |
108 | Carroll | Carter | No |
110 | Patrick | McAvoy | - |
111 | Ronald | Janicki | - |
112 | Talal | Kazbour | - |
113 | James | Cienfuegos | - |
114 | Brent | Mercke | - |
117 | Shawn | McGregor | - |
118 | Teddy | Greene | Darrell Durst, Teddy Greene |
120 | Sean | Sarvadi | - |
121 | Jon | Walker | Shnitzler, Hill |
123 | Kwang | Yim | Robert Ingram |
124 | Lynne | Leith | Pamela Buckley |
125 | Logan | Korn | Jon Duke |
126 | JA | Arnold | Garry Branch, JA Arnold |
129 | Jerome | Lyons | - |
130 | Francisco | Padilla Jr | - |
131 | Nestor | Acosta | - |
133 | Paul | Mcdermott | - |
134 | Erik | Weisskopf | Paul McDermott |
135 | Garry | Branch | Garry Branch, JA Arnold |